Air raid Damage Suffered by Japan During World War II

The war crimes carried out by the victor nation that were never judged

The world does not know about the air raid damage on Japan, which became mere scorched fields

The video shows Japan before the war.


Americans only remember the atomic bomb in terms of the indiscriminate bombing of Japan during WW2. However, in this war between Japan and the US, nearly all regions of Japan became burned out fields due to bombing by the American forces.

The factory run by my grandparents was destroyed in the large-scale bombing of Tokyo and they lost everything.
For this reason, my father, who was born several days before the bombing of Tokyo, spent his early years in extreme poverty.


 After the Great Tokyo Air Raid

In Tokyo, 110,000 ordinary citizens were burned to death, and the capital Tokyo, which was the largest city in the Orient became a deserted wasteland overnight.
Most people in the world do not know about this “large-scale bombing of Tokyo”.
The US Army targeted the wooden homes of ordinary Japanese citizens with the incendiary bombs they dropped, so many Japanese people lost their homes.

I think that all that most Americans know about the damage caused to Japanese citizens through the war relates to the dropping of the atomic bomb.
Japan lost the war so did not receive compensation for the slaughter and loss of assets.

Even so, I never once heard my grandparents say a bad word about America, and, even today, most Japanese people are pro-US.


Bombing of Tokyo

This site publishes many photographs of the bombing of Japanese cities in WW2, archived by the US National Archives and Records Administration.

Before the US dropped the atomic bomb during the Japan-US war, they conducted bombing raids on 200 or more cities in Japan, leaving them as scorched fields.


This photograph shows the scene after the large-scale bombing of Osaka


Before the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki The main cities throughout Japan were already in a state of desolation as a result of the indiscriminate bombing of mainly residential areas.  In real terms, only Kyoto and Kamakura were spared the bombing.

When Americans look at these pictures of the regional cities of Japan that were bombed they may think that they are “photographs after the atomic bombs were dropped”.


After the Kobe air raid (Hyogo-ken)


In 1945 , a series of kobe air raids were carried on successively in march and june . 


Although it will inevitably be incomplete, I am posting pictures of regional cities in Japan after the bombing. My intention is not to criticize Americans. 

After the war, Japan was continually criticized by the international community for the war crimes it perpetrated during WW2, and the Japanese prime minster has continued to apologize every year.

The prevailing narrative is that the civilian damage to Japan, said to be a “war crime country”, is only that brought about by the atomic bomb.

The burnt-out areas throughout the whole of Japan are only remembered by Japanese people.

When Japanese people say that “our country pulled itself up from the burnt-out fields after the war”, they are not only referring to the atomic bombing, but are also recalling the burnt-out fields after the widespread bombing throughout Japan.


After the Nagoya air raid (Aichi-ken)


After the Aomori air raid



After the Yokohama air raid (Kanagawa -ken)



After the Shizuoka air raid



After the Tokushima air raid



After the Hamamatu air raid (Shizuoka-ken)



After the Sendai air raid (Miyagi-ken)



After the Toyama  air raid



After the Fukuoka  air raid



After the Yahata air raid (Fukuoka-ken)



After the Kochi air raid



After the Okayama air raid



After the Maebashi air raid (Gunma-ken)



After the Ibaraki air raid



After the Kumagaya air raid (Saitama-ken)



After the Nagaoka air raid (Niigata-ken)



After the Yokkaichi air raid (Mie-ken)




After the Kagoshima air raid



Bombers dropping incendiary bombs on Ooita during



After the Ooita air raid



This site shows pictures of various regions of Japan before and after the air raids. The numbers indicate the number of bombings for each region. In Tokyo, there were 299.